Saturday, October 18, 2014


Hey people. What's up? I know I haven't posted anything in like forever, but whatever. So anyway you know the news, and how they're talking about how ebola could spread and ruin the entire world. Well... people to think of this is in perspective. In West Africa this is a major thing. But in America, there's only been three cases. Really, the only people who need to be worried is people in that city, because it's not like ebola has legs and is walking down the street saying "I want to infect you!"(points finger). Everyone shouldn't be so scared about ebola. It's just a disease that will come and go, us humans will survive. If we've survived the Black plague/death then we can survive ebola. Besides if your so worried about ebola, just move to a different state/country that hasn't had anything to do with Ebola. Or just realize the likely hood of you getting Ebola. It's unlikely unless you put yourself in situations where it is likely you'll get Ebola, so don't do that. I've tried to google percentages and stuff like that to give you info on this, but I haven't found anything, so oh well. But hey don't worry about Ebola until there's been at least 20+ cases. Just trying to soothe your mind. 
*sorry for any spelling mistakes :)*