Sunday, April 20, 2014

What's up?

No one will probably even here of this blog. I'm like certain. But whatever. I don't really care. I think it would just be cool to have a blog, then you could be all like, "I have a blog, peeps." No one says peeps anymore. So yeah. I don't get how people can do this. Like a blog and keep up with it. I think I'm on like the eighth sentence and i'm running out of ideas to write about. I guess I could talk about school, but that's boring. So I think I will talk about a debate. At school we did these persuasive essays, and I did mine on changing the voting age to 16. It could have a lot of good qualities for the country but I also see a lot of problems with it. If we change the voting age, oh and by the way I was fore changing the voting age to 16, the teachers would have to change the way they teach and they could have a lot of influence on kids. Like they could tell teens they get a free pass of some sort if they vote for a certain person, then the votes would be all mixed up. Also teens aren't always responsible, but who really is responsible. Not a lot of people. So Yeah. BYE